Note that the recent release is no longer a preview version.
When trying out the Visual Studio Mac downloader from Microsoft, you will find it with “network error” and not pushing forward anymore.
However, disconnect the network and it will give in, providing with offline downloading links.
It was not possible to complete an automatic installation. This might be due to a problem with your network, proxy servers or an unsolvable installation conflict. At this point, you can continue the installation by manually downloading and installing the independent pieces. The list below shows each component that you need to install.
Mono Framework
Download the Mono Framework v5.0.0 archive to any directory on your disk, double-click it and follow the instructions on screen. Please accept all the defaults during the installation, including the target drive.
Android SDK
Download the Android SDK for Mac OS X version 24.4.1, open the downloaded archive and copy the contents of the folder found at its root directory (most probably named android-sdk-macosx) to the /Users/semprathlon/Library/Developer/Xamarin/android-sdk-macosx directory.
Click here in order to start the Android SDK Manager application. In the GUI make sure the following components are installed or selected for installation:
- Android SDK Tools
- Android SDK Platform-tools
- Android SDK Build-tools
- Android API 15
- Android API 19
- Android API 21
Once all the required components are selected (you can select others as well, if you wish) start the installation.
If you cannot see /Users/semprathlon/Library/Developer/Xamarin/android-sdk-macosx in Finder please click here to reveal the directory in Finder.
Download the Android NDK for Mac OS X version r10e, open the downloaded archive and copy the contents of its root directory (most probably named android-ndk-r10e) to the /Users/semprathlon/Library/Developer/Xamarin/android-ndk directory.
When the Android SDK installation is finished you might want to start the Android Emulator Manager and create as many emulator images as you might need for your development. This step can be performed at any time, on an as-needed basis.
Visual Studio
Download the Visual Studio v7.0.0 archive to any directory on your disk, double-click it and then drag and drop the Visual Studio icon to the Applications folder.
Download the Xamarin.Android v7.3.0 archive to any directory on your disk, double-click it and follow the instructions on screen. Please accept all the defaults during the installation, including the target drive.
Download the Xamarin.iOS v10.10.0 archive to any directory on your disk, double-click it and follow the instructions on screen. Please accept all the defaults during the installation, including the target drive.
Download the Xamarin.Mac v3.4.0 archive to any directory on your disk, double-click it and follow the instructions on screen. Please accept all the defaults during the installation, including the target drive.